About Us

Islamic Books City is a public website whose main aim is to make encyclopedia of Islamic Books.
We will include all genders and types of Islamic Books in this website especially in pdf format.
Main categories of the books we will share :

  • Hadith
  • Fiqh
  • Fatawa
  • Islamic Magazines
  • Islamic Beliefs
  • Educational
  • Dars i Nizami
  • Seerat i Nabawi ﷺ
  • Biographies of Senior Scholars
  • Islamic History
  • Tasawwuf etc

Our other aim is to make rare Islamic books available to users so that users can get them easily.And in this manner these rare books will also be preserved.

Users can also request us for books. And we will In-Sha-Allah take every possible step to fulfill their needs.

We made this website because some senior scholars said to us that make a website so that people can easily search and look for desired books.Usually people share books on social platforms but many senior scholars don’t use them.So this website is made generally for convenience of all users but it is especially made for convenience of senior scholars.

Our affiliation is with Ahl i Sunnah Wal Jamaah Deobandi School of Thought.So we will share only those books which are relevant to this School of Thought In-Sha-Allah

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