Category: Fiqh
Sharei Haqeeqi
Abul Maasir
Maulana Habib ur Rahman Azmi ra
شارع حقیقی
ابوالمآثر حضرت مولانا حبیب الرحمٰن الاعظمیؒ
Darul Islam Aur Darul Harb
Abul Maasir
Maulana Habib ur Rahman Azmi ra
دارالاسلام اور دارالحرب
ابوالمآثر حضرت مولانا حبیب الرحمٰن الاعظمیؒ
Ansab wa Kafaat Ki Shari Haisiyat
Abul Maasir
Maulana Habib ur Rahman Azmi r
انساب و کفاءت کی شرعی حیثیت
: تصنیف
محدث کبیر فقیہ جلیل
ابوالمآثر حضرت مولانا حبیب الرحمٰن الاعظمیؒ
Courtesy of Marfat
al Saif al Mujalla ala al Muhalla
(Complete – 4 Parts)
Mufti Syed Mahdi Hasan Shahjahanpuri ra
السیف المجلیٰ علی المحلی
(مکمل – 4 اجزاء)
العلامة الشیخ المفتی
السید مھدی حسن الشاھجھانبوری رحمة اللہ علیه
Complete version courtesy of marfat
Fiqhi Pahailiyaan
Author :
Qadhi Ibn al Shikhna al Hanafi ra
Translation By
Mufti Muhammad Wali Darwaish ra (d. 1999)
Ustadh Jamia Uloom ul Islamia
Banori Town Karachi
فقہی پہیلیاں
: کتاب کا اصل نام
الذخائر الأشرفية في ألغاز الحنفية
: تالیف
قاضی ابن الشحنة الحنفي رحمة الله عليه
المتوفی 921ھ
: مترجم
مفتی محمد ولی درویش قدس اللہ سرہ
المتوفی 1999ء
استاد و نگراں تخصص فی الدعوۃ والارشاد
جامعتہ العلوم الاسلامیہ
علامہ بنوری ٹاؤن ، کراچی
Download (7.5 MB)
Badai al Sanai
Imam Abu Bakr Ala al-Din al Kasanai al Hanafi
Dar al Hadith Cairo
بدائع الصنائع في ترتيب الشرائع
الإمام علاء الدین أبي بکر بن مسعود الکاساني الحنفي
حققه وعلق علیه
د / محمد محمد تامر
: الناشر
Volume 1 (12.9 MB) Volume 2 (13.1 MB)
Volume 3 (12.2 MB) Volume 4 (11.4 MB)
Volume 5 (10.2 MB) Volume 6 (10.9 MB)
Volume 7 (10.6 MB) Volume 8 (9.7 MB)
Volume 9 (8.6 MB) Volume 10 (12.8 MB)
al-Lubab fi Sharh al-Kitab Sharh li Mukhtasar al-Quduri
Edited By
Shaykh Bashar Bakri Arrabi
اللباب في شرح الكتاب (شرح القدوري) للمدیاني
بتحقيق بشار بكري عرابي
Download (17.1 MB)
Review By Shaykh Husain Kadodia :
Assalamu Alaykum,
[Many of you] are familiar with ‘Allamah Maydani’s wonderful Sharh on Mukhtasar al-Quduri, however those who have used the book would be aware of the many errors in most editions of this beneficial work..
I had the opportunity to teach this Sharh and used the print of Lubab edited by Sh. Bashar Bakri Arrabi of Damascus. I found this print to be much better than any other available print of the book, due to the editor correcting many passages either from a manuscript of the book or from the original sources it was quoted from. There are a number of occasions where complete lines are missing in other prints!
The editor also added very beneficial footnotes, including takhrij, conversion of distances and weights to contemporary used formats as well as explanations of difficult passages. This print is hard to find outside Syria, however I managed to acquire a few copies of it, which would be for sale on my new list which would be sent around in a few days, insha Allah.
This edition could be downloaded from here:
The book is still in need of much more work, which is being carried out by the son-in-law of Shaykh Awwamah, Shaykh Sa’id Bakdash and should be available in a year or two insha Allah.
[Shaykh] Husain Kadodia
Reference :
Sharah Al Nazair
Urdu Sharah
Al Ashbah Wa Al Nazair
Muhaqqiq Ibn al Nujaim al Hanafi ra
Commentary By
Mufti Muhammad Masoom Al Qasmi
شرح النظائر
شرح اردو
الاشباہ والانظائر
محقق ابن نجیم الحنفیؒ
مفتی محمد معصوم القاسمی
Download (41.6 MB)
Fuzala i Deoband
Fiqhi Khidmaat
Under The Supervision
Maulana Khalid Saifullah Rahmani
فضلاء دیوبند کی فقہی خدمات
آفتاب غازی قاسمی / عبدالحسیب قاسمی
زیر نگرانی
مولانا خالد سیف اللہ رحمانی صاحب
Download (5.4 M)