Akhlaq al Ulama
Author : Imam Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn al-Husain al-Ajurri ra
Translated By : Maulana Ijaz Ahmad Azmi ra
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Short Description :
Akhlaq al Ulama is a booklet authored by Imam Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn al-Husain al-Ajurri ra ( d. 360 Hijri ) . This book is related with good character of Scholars. Imam al-Ajurri ra has mentioned several good traits of Scholars in it.
Some of the topics are :
- The elevated rank of Scholars
- Supremacy and superiority of Scholars in light of Ahadith
- The character and traits of Scholars
- Intention of seeking knowledge
- Etiquettes for those who visit Scholars
- Manners for those who want to sit and learn from Scholars
- The decorum which Scholars should adopt when they become famous
- Code of conduct for debate
- How the Scholars should conduct with common folks
- What demeanour and conduct Scholars should adopt in relation with Allah
- Questioning of knowledgeable people on Day of Judgement
- Trait and characteristics of evil-natured Scholars
Brief Introduction of the Author :
The author’s full name is Muhamamd Ibn al Hussain al-Ahurri. He was born in round about 284 Hijri in al-Ajurr , a village located in outskirts of Baghdad. Imam al-Ajurri learnt educated from many teachers. Khateeb Baghdadi has mentioned some of them
- ,Al-Hafiz Abul Muslim Ibrahim bin Abdillah bin Muslim Al-Bashri Al-Kajji (d.292 H),
- Sheikh Ahmad Bin Yaha al-Halwani
- Jafar Bin Muhamamd Faryabi
- Abu Bakr Abd-allah bin Sulayman bin Al-Ash’ath As-Sijistani (d.316 H) one of sheikh in Baghdad, the son of Imam Abu Dawud , Author of Sunan Abu Dawud
- Ahmad Ibn al-Hussain Ibn Abdul Jabbar Sufi
- Harun Ibn Yusuf Ibn Zayad
- There are many others also
Imam al-Ajurri had many students. Befor 330 Hijri , he taught in Baghadad and then went to Holy Makkah and then taught rest of life there.
His famous students names are :
- Ali Ibn Bishran
- Abdul Malik Ibn Bishran
- Ali Ibn Ahmad IbnIbn Umar al-Muqri
- Mahmood Ibn Umar
- Muhamamd Ibn Hussain Ibn Fazal Qatan
- Abu Nu’aym al-Asbahani , Author of Hilyat al-awliya’
Imam al-Ajurri was great Faqeeh and Muhaddith . He was trustworthy , had great memory and he practiced on his knowledge. Many great historians and scholars had praised Imam al-Ajurri and his character.
Imam al-Ajurri ra wrote many books.Some of them are :
- Akhlaq al Ulama
- Kitab al Ghuraba
- Kitab al Shriah
- Akhlaq Hamat al Quran
- Akhlaq Ahl al Quran
- Kitab al taṣdeeq bin naẓar ila Allah Talah fi al akhirah
- Zamm al liwaaṭ
- Kitab al Arbaeen
- Akhbar AbiḤafaṣ Umar ibn Abd al Aziz wa siratuhu
Imam al-Ajurri lived in Holy Makkah for about thirty years and he died there in 360 Hijri according to 970 AD.